When I talk about my interesting family, these guys are always at the top of the list. Last week I was talking about Peep and his insights on the world. A great deal of his knowledge of world events came from ole JP here. JP is married to one of Tilena's sisters...Diane. If not for JP, I would be the senior son-in-law in the family. I'm not really sure just how long JP and Diane have been married, but I know he was already hanging around when I showed up on the scene 22 years ago. For about 10 years, Diane didn't even know my name....I think she just thought I would be like all the other son-in-laws and just roll in and roll back out. She just figured it was not worth the trouble of trying to memorize my name I guess.
JP and Diane both work for the United Nations and live in the Congo. Their work and lives are fascinating. Their boys (Mark and Eric) are just finishing up their bachelors degrees at Eckerd in Tampa, and their daughter (Heather) is married and lives in a different jungle (Los Angeles) with her husband and daughter.Listening to them all relate their experiences in Africa is a great way to spend an evening. Watching them interact with one another is a royal treat. The obstacles they've overcome over the years just to remain together and even get a brief visit have been enormous. They've spent so much time apart just to ensure the kids got a good education. When they do get together it's fun to watch them laugh, love and enjoy one another.
JP is in the states on leave right now, Diane will follow in a couple of weeks. That is just another example of how they split up their vacations to ensure more total time visiting with the kids. With any luck we'll be able to visit with them while they're here. Diane is a stomped down Republican...like me..and keeps me worked up over her e-mails detailing just how wicked and evil the Democratic party really is. Mark and Eric have come down to stay with us on occassion for Thanksgiving Weekend. It's a good weekend to have some family around, and they get to enjoy Aunt Tilena's cooking as well. They are a handsome couple of boys and as well mannered as anyone I've ever known. Heather e-mails us all faithfully. She's grown into a wonderful Christian woman with a heart for our Lord. She has always been a stunningly beautiful girl. I don't know for sure what all JP had to do with any of that.....but Diane really made some good looking kids. Tilena and her sisters are all quite different in appearance; but they're similar in the fact that each one is so gorgeous, they make your heart skip when you see them....well, maybe Tilena a little bit more so than the others. Therefore all of their kids inherited those looks as well. Can't imagine how any of those girls ended up with a guy like me or JP.
Hey, that's about it for tonight. How do you like that.....an entire blog and I didn't whine, carp, complain or gripe about a single thing. I'm sure I'll make up for it next time.
Great is the King. God bless you all.
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