Penny is Tilena's birth mother and one of my greatest friends. She spent her late childhood and early adulthood married to Ed Dozier. Somewhere along through there she and Ed parted ways. They are both the kind of people who allowed their friends and family to remain true to them both without "picking sides". We're all fortunate for that, because I don't think any of us could have chosen. They both enjoyed a rich family and a rich life absent the gut wrenching hatred so often present following the break up of a marriage. They just made it easy to love them both.
Growing up, I always knew Penny by sight, but I didn't know what her name was. Similarly, I knew who Tilena was, but never talked to her before I was 25 years old. Neither did I have any idea the two of them were mother and daughter.....well, I almost said something there that would have gotten me in trouble. I AM getting a bit smarter with age. Anyway, you insert your own smart alec comment here. I guess the greatest difference between them is that Tilena tends to be a bit more "lippy" than her mother. A promise of great things to come is the realization that Tilena has Penny's genes and will hold her looks all of her life....just like her Mom. Praise God she got her lip from her Daddy and her looks from her Mama. Can you imagine if it had been the other way 'round?
Penny is not your ordinary everyday Mother-in-Law. If we were to have any friend or relative ever live with us, I would want it to be Penny. She's one of those people who come to visit and you forget she's even here. Then all of a sudden she has you laughing till snot blows out of your nose. Her genes show up most evidently in Nick. They will both say anything, anytime. Penny somehow commands obedience. She can keep a house clean even in the presence of two teenage boys. Which is in itself another of her endearing traits. I can have 30 men and women charging into a gun battle at a single word, but I can't get a kid to pick his dirty underwear up out of the floor. If Penny is visiting, the house will always be immaculate. She is a constant house keeper. I would not hesitate to eat off her floor. She is a tireless worker and somehow manages to have fun all the while. You want great fun, just get Penny and her sister JoAnne together telling stories on one another. I had no idea two Senior Citizens....can I say that? Anyway, I had no idea that women of their "maturity" knew some of the things they know, let alone DO some of the things they've DONE.
Boy am I gonna be in trouble for this one.
Anyhow, Tilena is up in Ocala with Penny as I write. She's going to spend the night there on her way up to Perry for her High School Reunion this weekend. Calm down boys, calm down....I'm going up later. I know what I've got and some of those ole boys have just shown too keen an interest in whether or not Tilena's coming and if she has a "family". Code word for husband.
I'm gonna get in trouble for that too. In for a "Penny" in for a pound. And I'm gonna get "pounded".
Well, I've got myself into enough trouble for one day. We've just had our Summertime daily thunderstorm and I think I'll go outside, sit on the porch and enjoy a nice evening. The moon will be coming up through the coconut trees soon. I plan on being there to see it.
Glory to the King!
Don & Co.
Palm Trees and Sand....................................
Well, I'll just have to get to Perry before he does.
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