Christy wanted a couple more pictures of Pepper, so here they are. There's also a shot of something I've never seen before. This is some sort of a UFO that flew onto the lanai while Bowden, Pepper and I were out there. It's about 3 inches long with fuzzy antennae and long celluloid type thin wings with tapered tips. By way of orientation, it's sitting on a leg roller on the Bowflex. If anyone has any idea what this is, please let me know. I was born and raised in Florida and I've never seen a bug like this.
I've been out in the back yard pulling weeds. There's one area right underneath a Guava Tree that just sprouts them like....well....weeds. If I don't get in there and work a couple times each week, it quickly gets out of hand. It's a nice cool overcast afternoon and the dogs are frisky. They both took turns chasing the cats.
We're having some minor rainbands from Hurricane Ike. Nothing much, but they're just rolling through and adding a bit more rain to our total.
Well, everyone have a great evening. I'm trying to blog a bit more often and a bit less at the time. Everyone drop me a line sometime.
Don & Co.
David said that bug looks like it's from the movie "Mist". All I can tell you about that bug is I hope that I don't ever see one around my house.
Oooo that bug looks creepy. Just the other day at the hotel in Lakeland, I was in the lobby and saw what appeared to be a nice looking plant growing out of the wall. It was the size of two grown men's fist. I went over to look closer and as I did, it picked itself of the wall and it's eight legs scampered across the wall. Leaving me screaming and saying some not such nice words. A plant spider? Scary stuff, I hate bugs.
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