I just happend to catch this sunset tonight. Nick and I were playing basketball in the driveway when I chased an errant ball before it rolled into the canal. When I picked it up and turned around, I looked straight into this. I ran into the house to grab the camera and just made it back outside as it slid into the cane field. The last moment of the day hangs in the balance on the Western edge...another one in the books. By the time it rises again to the East, T-Bug will be another year of this earth. We've had another blessed year and seen our world change. Not always for the better mind you...but change it did. Goodbyes were said to Darlie and a big hello for Parker.
Doing anything for Tilena's birthday is always hard for me. Every time I wake to another day with her is like a birthday all over again for me. She's the rudder for my life. I would just drift with any wind without her. I sure pray the Lord sees fit for us to enjoy many birthdays together to come. We've got a beautiful strawberry cake in the kitchen. T's friend Vickie makes them and they just look divine. Tilena and the boys say it tastes as good as it looks...I don't eat much in the way of sweet stuff, so I've never tasted one of them. We went ahead and had cake today cause tomorrow is a church night.
Well, speak of the birthday girl, I hear her pulling into the driveway. She went to Praise Team Practice tonight. I'm gonna go visit. You all have a great night.
Happy Birthday T.
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