The "letting go" process is difficult. We're going through that painful process these days as Ryan prepares to leave the nest. He's excited about heading out into the world, but Mom and I view this time with great trepidation.
I don't know if there is ever a time when a Dad thinks his kids are "ready". The whole thing is almost surreal to me. When did my little boy turn into a man? This guy standing there next to Tilena should be in a high chair nibbling applesauce and messing his pants. My heart just doesn't want to turn loose, but God has set these things in place I suppose. If it were up to me, he would never leave home.
Thinking back over the years, I just can't help but remember every little bump or cut he got. He just naturally ran to Dad when he was hurt or afraid. Most kids seem to have that you know....one parent they tend to run to with their problems. Nick goes to Tilena, Ryan to me and Christy??? Christy was just always so independent. Although, the older she's gotten, the more she calls for advice. Christy was so much easier at this point, because she was not in a great hurry to be on her own. Maybe boys are just different. I sure was. I left home two days after graduating high school.
Well, for now Ryan is set for school this Fall. We've got the Summer meanwhile and I hope the transition works itself out smoothly. I'm pushing Jr. College and commuting from home. He seems to be listening, though reluctantly. There's still so much for me to teach him. I'll update on the developments.
I'm sure Ryan gets a kick out of you saying he should be "messing in his pants."
Looking forward to more blog articles, brother. I've gotcha bookmarked!
Hey Brian,
I've got photos to prove it all. He shouldn't push me about it.
Thanks for the post.
Don & Co.
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