Christy called me at lunch today. It's always good to hear from her and she is very good about keeping in touch. She is nearly seven hundred miles away and it seems like I talk to her as much (if not more than) I talk to the boys. As we were talking I saw a post on the TV news. Did anyone see the article about a woman sueing Victoria's Secret? Here's the deal....she was trying to put on a pair of thong underwear and they snapped in two. One end apparently hit her in the eyeball. No, I'm not making this up. Anyway, did you see this woman? Here she was trying to get "all that" into a pair of thong underwear made for runway models....of course its gonna snap. She's fortunate she didn't set off a nuclear reaction. There must have been enough energy released from the friction alone to power a small city for a week. The laws of physics tell you its impossible to put a 55 gallon drum of jello into a six ounce tumbler.
Why does it have to result in a law suit? No one is to blame for a sore eye but her. Can you imagine the sore eyes of the poor fella who was destined to see her in a thong anyway? We may have averted permanent blindness for some innocent person.
I'm sorry, I have gotten a bit graphic for a family post, but it is all over the news anyway. This is just another example of the things that have gotten me so upset recently. Things don't appear to be getting any better. It is just insane. Suppose I should get on back to my original line of thought.
Christy.....She and Carlton are expecting another child if any of you didn't know. Those of you who are "in the loop" know Emma Grace (their little girl & our grandaughter) is Pappy's heart. They were all down for Ryan's graduation. Christy is a marvelous young lady. She taught me how to be a Dad. All the forgiveness and trust you could ever expect. I certainly knew nothing about parenthood....but she patiently taught me the ropes. Tilena and I sometimes feel a little guilty over Christy's childhood. We simply could not afford many of the things for her that we've been able to provide for the boys. We certainly didn't know as much about raising children. I don't remember her ever having but one bicycle as a kid. I'm sure each of the boys has had 7-8 bicycles and a vehicle to call their own. The only car Christy ever had she paid for. It seems the first child must pay a high price for parents learning on the curve. She is grown and has a family on her own now and I've never heard he complain about any of it. She's the model for unconditional love and fierce loyalty. Thanks Christy....thanks. I love you.......yeah, but...
O.K. Consider me properly contrite. Tilena has scolded me thoroughly over the woman in the thong remarks.
Considering my Pastor is a reader will probably cause me some grief as well. I'm going to be out of town for a couple of weeks so hopefully it will slip his mind before he sees me again.
I do apologize to all for my insensitivity.
If you don't laugh at that something is wrong with you.
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