KC and Jason are a testament to the wisdom of "waiting for the right one". I'm sure they both had moments of desperation when they were terrified they would never find someone. Just seeing them together feels like a blessing. They are indeed "Right" for one another. It is going to be an honor to witness their wedding.
I think of their patience and devotion....and then I see the Fox News report today about the 17 kids in an elite Mass. High School. It seems the girls, all teens, had a pact to get pregnant at the same time. It appears they did. What do you even say about that? KC and Jason and my Christy and Carlton are becoming a rarity in young people today. How many do it the right way like Christy and Carlton. They met, dated, married, THEN had children....after they established themselves emotionally and financially. The badge of honor today is bearing children out of wedlock and prior to graduating high school. The greatest shame of it is that teenage boys aren't fathering these babies....it's young men in their mid and late 20's. All too often the mother really has no idea at all who the father is.
Let me tell you something else. Our local high school has a nursery on campus for teen mothers. That's our tax dollars at work for you. How does that do anything to discourage teenage pregnancy. There is simply no accountability. Go forth and elect another Democrat to office......we'll get more of the same. Remember, these are the same people who say voting machines are unfair because some people can't figure out how to operate them. Do you really want someone who can't operate a voting machine electing your president.....how valuable is their opinion anyway? These are the same people who maintain abortion/murder of a baby is o.k. but capital punishment of a murderer is not?????I just don't get it. Massachussetts by the way is probably the most deep seated Democratic State in America. How surprising is that?
Alright alright, I've wandered away from my subject. I just can't help myself sometimes. What will our kids inherit? Now we stand on the brink of electing the most liberal person ever to sit in the US Senate. I'm telling you all; we can't sit still for this. Get busy and research for yourselves just how dangerous this guy is.
I've rambled enough for tonight. I'll probably be in trouble again when Tilena reads this. Please have patience with me..............
God Bless you all.
1 comment:
You just made me cry.... in a good way. You guys are so special to us.... you keep speaking your mind.... It's YOUR blog, share those opinions! Even if people don't always agree, opinions help others to see things through others' eyes. Love you!
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