You know, these days I'm just disappointed, disturbed and depressed. The news is on T.V. right now and there just seems to be nothing positive out there at all. Here's a synopsis of this evening's report:
- Homosexual Marriage in California
- Urn Thefts from Cemetery (for recycleable metal sale)
- Two Children Killed in Driveby
- School Teachers Laid Off
- Partial Birth Abortion Upheld
- Osama Bama Laden endorsed by Gore
I can't begin to decide which report was more ghastly. I have such a great fear for my children and the world they are going to inherit. Can anyone tell me what is happening to us? I've been more and more depressed lately by the direction we're headed. What do we do? Where do we go? Does anybody care? Anybody?......Anybody?
I care with you, and I grieve the sin in our world.
I care too, and it is a DISGUSTING world we live in...all we can do, however, is strive to be the GOOD GUYS and voice our opinion as much as the 'crazies' in the world do. They just make such a stink until their voice is heard. I feel that we as Christians just don't stand up enough for what we believe in!
Love You Daddy. Great Blog.
I agree...it's a pretty DISGUSTING world we live in! It seems that the few 'crazies' in our country that tend to over-voice their opinions set the 'rules' for everyone else to live by. I think Christians should take more of a stand for what we believe in...it has worked in one SC town - http://www.wrdw.com/home/headlines/19832084.html
Love you Daddy. Great Blog.
Yeah, but...
Thanks for the post Christy. I looked at the article you noted. That's neat.....good way for us to go.
Don & Co.
It's all a sign of the times for sure...Everyone needs to get ready, but does anyone really believe it?
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